The Fascinating Science of Begetting and “The Mark of Genius”
When I first decided to write “The Mark of Genius,” I began to wonder about the origin of the word “Genius” so I looked it up in my trusty little Latin-English dictionary. I discovered that it came mainly from the Latin verb with its various parts; gigno, gignere, genui, genitum – to beget, bring forth or to cause. How unhelpful, I thought! What a tenuous connection to genius. And what possible link could it have with “begetting”? And then the penny dropped. Of course! The most important thing a genius could do was to bring forth a new idea or give birth to a new creation. A genius would undoubtedly…
The Rorshchach Test cannot Compare with Handwriting Analysis
The Rorschach test named after its founder Hermann Rorschach uses a picture of a large ink blot or splash of ink on a white piece of paper. The shape of the blot is supposed to remain a secret so that people taking the test can’t discuss it or know about it beforehand. Anyone who takes this test is supposed to tell the tester whatever comes to mind as he looks at the blot. Inkblots and Teddy Bears For example one person looking at the ink blot could see a teddy bear while another could see a knight in armour drawing a sword. From this the tester or psychologist is supposed…
The Secret Story of Jill’s Amazing Memory
Jill Price had always wanted the story of her amazing memory kept a secret. And so it was. For 8 years scientists studied her at the University of California, Irvine but as agreed, they kept her secret closely guarded.
Elizabeth Fritzl Wrote a Diary during her Captivity
It is now well known that Elizabeth Fritzl wrote a diary during her captivity. In the depth of her despair she may have found a small measure of solace in creativity. No doubt this diary will attract a lot of interest in the media. It has been said that she used it to write up important events in her life such as the births of her children as well as the death of her little son. We don’t know if she included any of her personal feelings or not. She may have hidden the diary away terrified that her father would discover it. She was probably too frightened to write…
Face to Face with yourself – through your Handwriting
It’s a strange phenomenon but it’s perfectly true; when you study or learn handwriting analysis you’re bound to come face to face with yourself sooner or later. At some stage, you’ll find yourself confronting the bare facts of your own personality. It’s like looking into one of those make-up mirrors where your face becomes enlarged and you can see every crease and every pore. It isn’t always a pretty sight. It takes a little time but eventually you learn to come to terms with yourself and to accept yourself with all your flaws and blemishes. Eventually, after a good deal of self-analysis, you get over that self-conscious stage and start…
Obama’s Signature Speaks Volumes about him
More about Obama’s signature! Have you noticed on TV how Barack Obama adds his signature to a document? Being left-handed, he curls his hand in a protective gesture around his signature and seems to tackle it from above. The resulting signature is quite different from the rest of his rather conservative handwriting. If you look past the flourish of the signature and concentrate on the body of the handwriting you will clearly see the difference in style and execution. The handwriting itself is fairly traditional. Contained and firm it shows quiet strength and modesty. You will notice how the small size and soberness of the writing show attention to detail,…