Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
Over the years discussing our New Year’s resolutions has turned into a rather scary tradition in our family.
It takes place at the very first family dinner in the New Year when each person sitting around the table has to commit to at least one new goal for the coming year.
It can be somewhat daunting because if you haven’t set any goals you can be absolutely sure that the rest of the family are ready and waiting to pounce on you.
Funnily enough, there’s method in this rather bizarre tradition. Because once you’ve announced your New Year’s resolution you are saddled with a commitment that you are forced to take seriously.
Obviously any resolution can be made during any time of the year. But somehow it carries more weight at the beginning of the year; the time for new beginnings when we start with a clean new slate.
Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
If you haven’t yet decided on a goal for the year, here is a list of some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. It may just help you.
It isn’t a definitive list – it’s simply the most popular list made up of resolutions that people seem to make year after year.
They are hardy perennials because they come up every year. So here they are in no particular order.
1. Spend More Time With Family and friends
2. Get Fitter
3. Lose Weight
4. Enjoy Life More.
5. Quit Drinking
6. Get better organized
7. Learn Something New
8. Save more
9. Stop Smoking
10. Find a Soul Mate
Many of us prefer to keep our resolutions to ourselves. It makes sense in a way because we don’t always follow through with them.
But the advantage of making your resolutions public is that it forces you to take them more seriously.
I can vouch for that personally.
My own New Year’s Resolution
Years ago, when it was my turn to talk about my new year’s resolution at our family dinner, I announced that my goal would be to learn something new. (No 7 on the list above!)
That something new was going to be Graphology!
Well, at the time it was just a whim. But it was the beginning of my long love affair with graphology.
It has been an awesome learning experience for me. And the learning never stops because the mysteries of human nature are never ending.
The moral of my story is: be careful about the goals you commit to because they have a habit of taking over.
If you have chosen your goal for the following year I invite you to make your commitment right here and now! It may just kick start a new beginning for you.